Grinding and Clenching Teeth
Grinding sounds while asleep, headaches, tooth sensitivity to hot and cold, broken or chipped teeth, stiffness and pain in the jaw joint,...Read More
Broken Tooth
With a broken tooth, a leaking or cracked filling and tooth decay you may experience one or many of the following symptoms:...Read More
Sensitive Teeth
Sensitivity can occur in one or more teeth. People with tooth sensitivity will experience pain with cold, hot, sweet or sour foods...Read More
Missing Teeth
Missing tooth or teeth can cause people to be insecure about smiling but the main problems we hear about are the patient...Read More
Wisdom Teeth Problems
Signs of Wisdom teeth problems can be pain, swelling, difficulty opening your mouth and change of bite. Wisdom teeth usually start to come...Read More
Bleeding Gums
Swollen, sore and bleeding gums are all a sign of either an early stage (Gingivitis) or an advanced stage of gum disease...Read More
Bad Breath
A white coating on the back of the tongue, plaque built up around teeth, a dry mouth and thick saliva. Bad smelling...Read More